Wednesday, November 2, 2022

- That was when i ruled the world

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That was when i ruled the world 



- Stephanie Nakasian/If I Ruled the World


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But that was when I ruled the world.NAS | IF I RULED THE WORLD : 中古レコード専門オンラインショップ ALPHA RECORD(アルファレコード)


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Jonathan Thorstad. Lyle Durham Dalton, Georgia USA. He is a mighty savior. He will take delight in you with gladness. With his love, he will calm all your fears. He will rejoice over you with joyful songs. Top Chef - S19E08 Restaurant Wars. when King Atlan ruled over all that was,. Family Guy - S15E02 Comedy. but there was a time when Snapple ruled the nation. Pearl Jam - Jeremy Official Video.

Futurama - S04E09 Comedy. When I was frozen, giant carrots ruled the Earth. Bob's Burgers - S08E10 The Secret Ceramics Room of Secrets. Back when Huey and Carl Lewis ruled the world. it is all standing on pillars of salt and sand. We all have to be humble and have perspective in any position we are occupying. This song is believed to be through the different perspectives of important people during the French-Revolution era, especially King Louis XVI.

Playing Dungeon and Dragon, simply boring! And fuck you that my interpretation is too short bloody software! I think this is about being an only child and then mom brings another home from the hospital. so the song is about demons ruling the world it was a ritual at the the super bowl not just entertainment. Convicted murderer Robert Alton Harris's last words were " you can be a king or a street sweeper, but everybody dances with the grim reaper".

Could be about someone with bipolar and in his manic state he ruled the world in his delusions of grandeur. But now life pretty much sucks in his depressed state I've always just loved this song for some unknown reason - no matter its meaning! My belief is that it's based on what Jesus' perspective probably was like right before His death on the cross. The parallels between the Bible story and the song lyrics are clear to me anyway and it causes me to wonder what made a non Christian band write and perform a song that parallels the Bible.

Who knows! No matter what it means, I love the song! Maybe the song is about religion in general, with pillars of salt reference etc, or the Roman Empire?? Some Crusades imagery in there too, with Jerusalem. Now Britain sleeps alone, and Britons sweep the streets they used to own. Cool, eh? It could be about anyone who once held a position of power or prestige and now finds themselves at the other end of the spectrum.

Maybe a vulnerable old man in a nursing home that used to be a CEO or a General of an army that no longer has command.



That was when i ruled the world -

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